Sometimes retirement is just rough and you need to take a couple days off. Sally somehow decided that I looked overworked and she and a friend decided that we should take a couple days off as a foursome. I think I could have lasted a few more days in the grueling retirement routine but decided to go along to keep Sally happy.

I never counted how many of these they had but there were a number of designs. This one had two bedrooms and a loft that had two queen sized beds.
We had another couple who were going to go also. Sometimes owning your own business chains you worse than punching a clock.
We had another couple who were going to go also. Sometimes owning your own business chains you worse than punching a clock.
The loft was very comfortable so far as I could see. So was the rest of the cabin. No sense going on and on but my son was out here prior to 1990 for a youth camp and doubt he would recognize the place. | |
Sally and I have promised ourselves to learn something about fishing. I really wasn't sure if I wanted to bait a hook or not. A fishing pole with string in the water means you get nothing more serious for conversation than "catching anything?". I'm ready for that and here I am rigging the biggest investment towards that end. A $20 fishing pole from Academy. We bought one for each of us.

One of the major attractions here is the carriage ride to breakfast on Saturday. The Hilltop Restaurant is very nice and the food is very good.
Here we are just waiting for a ride.