I can't give you the pedigree of everything sitting here. Doesn't pay to memorize as it changes a little most mornings. I think he has more to sell than room to put it. In this case it's an early sixties Falcon on the left. It's probably a Ford T Bucket in the center, and a late sixties or early seventies MG Midget on the right.
Let's throw a changeup here. Put a Ford work van in the center with a 33 Ford Pickup. That's a 1970 era GTO or possibly a Tempest clone. The MG is actually the one that caught my eye first because a roommate of mine in New London had one. I spent a lot of time in it.
Add a Harley and a sixties era Buick but you get the picture. There is a whole line of old things backed up to the trees. When they come out I may add to this article. This is enough to get the point actoss.