This is Bob looking like the stalwart he truly is. He is not without fault but has proven (after a troubled childhood) to be worth keeping around. If you have read other articles on this blog, Bob has been mentioned several times.
He has spent most of the past 3-4 years tied up. That is because when he was young and wild he chewed up an outdoor swimming pool that belonged to one of our neighbors. He also brought several shoes home from somewhere.
When confronted with the truth about these horrific crimes I felt tying him up was a better alternative than finding a new home for him. He never suffered from lack of affection but freedom was at a premium. He loves his rides in the truck.
Recent needs to improve security convinced us to give him another try. He flourished with this newfound trust and responsibility and has kept us very free from predators. He always greets me when I come outside and runs from me just to show me that he can. The lack of a leash has made him more playful and enjoyable. However, I always know how to catch him. Start my truck and open the back door. Takes him about 5 seconds to load up. Sometimes a wet messy load.
When confronted with the truth about these horrific crimes I felt tying him up was a better alternative than finding a new home for him. He never suffered from lack of affection but freedom was at a premium. He loves his rides in the truck.
Recent needs to improve security convinced us to give him another try. He flourished with this newfound trust and responsibility and has kept us very free from predators. He always greets me when I come outside and runs from me just to show me that he can. The lack of a leash has made him more playful and enjoyable. However, I always know how to catch him. Start my truck and open the back door. Takes him about 5 seconds to load up. Sometimes a wet messy load.
Today he was missing. I had two bags of chicken feed, one bag of goat feed, and three pounds of dog treats in the back seat of my car. Had to unload them before I could do my morning feeding of the farm animals.
I realized while doing my chores that there was no Bob. We were short a couple items in the icebox so we had to go out for breakfast and a grocery run.
I looked up and down the street for him before we left and he still hadn't shown when we returned. He wouldn't just run off so I figured there was a good chance he was dead. That was a sad thought. Despite the black fur Bob is the only one on the property that's as redneck as me. I knew I would really miss him.
Then when we were parking the car, the light hit just right and I saw shadows moving in the back of my car. Sure enough, Bob was behind the back seat. The three pounds of treats were still in the car. It's just that 2 pounds of them were also in Bob.
I'm sure Bob loaded while I was moving the feed and jumped into the back to munch. I sure didn't see him.
I tied him up again today. I wanted to make sure he was ok after eating two pounds of treats. My guess was that he wasn't the first dog to ever pig out and that he was going to be fine. I cut him loose at 6:30 and he went tramping through the woods with me. He was fine. I think he is prepared to protect and serve again tonight.
I realized while doing my chores that there was no Bob. We were short a couple items in the icebox so we had to go out for breakfast and a grocery run.
I looked up and down the street for him before we left and he still hadn't shown when we returned. He wouldn't just run off so I figured there was a good chance he was dead. That was a sad thought. Despite the black fur Bob is the only one on the property that's as redneck as me. I knew I would really miss him.
Then when we were parking the car, the light hit just right and I saw shadows moving in the back of my car. Sure enough, Bob was behind the back seat. The three pounds of treats were still in the car. It's just that 2 pounds of them were also in Bob.
I'm sure Bob loaded while I was moving the feed and jumped into the back to munch. I sure didn't see him.
I tied him up again today. I wanted to make sure he was ok after eating two pounds of treats. My guess was that he wasn't the first dog to ever pig out and that he was going to be fine. I cut him loose at 6:30 and he went tramping through the woods with me. He was fine. I think he is prepared to protect and serve again tonight.