Peggys cove is a fishing village in Nova Scotia that looks like it jumped out of a time machine from 100 years ago. Subtract the asphalt and the cars of the tourists and it gets really authentic. There are two ways of looking at the place. The first way starts about 400 million years ago according to the good folks at Wikipedia. This was during the Devonian Period and we developed a geological condition that helped form the area. That condition was that plate tectonics allowed magma to bubble up from the Mantle of the Earth. That magma formed the rocks that we now know as Nova Scotia. According to the Internet, lava is black but magma might be pink or gray. You will see the rocks of the coast shortly.

20,000 years ago an ice ridge moved south from Canada’s arctic region to cover most of North America. The ebb and flow of that ice carved the shapes that we see today and filled the hollow spots with water. That’s grossly oversimplified because I am a simple person. If you want the city version which also has non geologic information go here:
From the picture you can see the relative distance from Halifax (top margin, right) to Peggys Cove (lower left corner) and probably imagine some of the geolocy Wiki is talking about.

The second way of looking at it is the version that is based on people. This cove is either named after the bay it sits on (St. Margaret’s bay) or it is named after a young lady who was the only survivor of the wreck of a schooner. Both versions are interesting and you can find them here:

Either way you choose, Peggy’s cove today has about 35 year round residents and is essentially closed to development. They are also very selective about who can live there as there is a fear that real estate inflation might put the property out of reach for the fishermen.

There was a resident artist http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_deGarthe who sculpted a mural from the granite on the cove. It’s hard to give perspective when you are separated from the mural by a chain. They are roughly life sized.

We need to just let the pictures tell the story of Peggys cove. If there is something special I will include a caption. There is one story that has to be told. We were on our way to Peggys cove when we felt the need for a bathroom. We stopped at this place that advertised Pizza by the slice. Food service businesses have to have a bathroom right.
Well, the lady sold us two slices and two sodas and told us the bathroom was in the connected store. When we went in there "Recardo" turned out to be an asian lady.
When I asked her where the bathroom was she told me: no, no, no bathroom broke. When I asked her what we should do for a bathroom, I heard again no, no, no, bathroom broke. I had been chewed out twice for asking for the bathroom. We asked the Pizza lady (a Canadian) what was up and she told us the repairman was late. She just lived a few miles away and was going home to use hers. No invitation for Sally to join her.
Well, the lady sold us two slices and two sodas and told us the bathroom was in the connected store. When we went in there "Recardo" turned out to be an asian lady.
When I asked her where the bathroom was she told me: no, no, no bathroom broke. When I asked her what we should do for a bathroom, I heard again no, no, no, bathroom broke. I had been chewed out twice for asking for the bathroom. We asked the Pizza lady (a Canadian) what was up and she told us the repairman was late. She just lived a few miles away and was going home to use hers. No invitation for Sally to join her.

Once we discovered this stop was futile a McDonalds was found in short order. The Pizza was pretty good but the McDonalds bathroom and coffee were excellent.