Meat Cove is the northernmost settlement in Nova Scotia. We went to that settlement in a rented car on some very primitive roads. Do not listen to Sally, I am as brave as her. We went through the settlement and I found the equivalent of potholes four foot wide with no discernable bottom. I told her we had gone far enough. She resisted but I was driving so we both got home safely. What she termed childish babble was simply a momentary inability to describe the depth of the alleged pothole. I am certain that has happened to all of us.

Might as well get this one out of the way. It is Sally's favorite and lots of folks seem to agree with her. It was taken with a Canon Power Shot SX130 IS. That is what most of the shots were taken with. The cell phone cameras are both good but the international roaming charges are not so they stayed turned off. I carry a smaller fuji finepix Z camera and try to never be without it. We treat the pictures as interchangeable but for the distance shots it should always be the Canon.
Of the 46 pictures in the slideshow, this is the workhorse that did them all.
Of the 46 pictures in the slideshow, this is the workhorse that did them all.