Amie is one of our grandchildren and this is about her love affair with animals. We have known about this love affair for a while. When our grandchildren have birthdays and are of a certain age (that age is flexible, depends on the child) we like to take them places and do things with them instead of of buying them throwaway presents.The first time we took Amie anywhere it was the children’s museum and that was when I realized just how bright she really is.

The second time was pretty interesting also. We took her to the Hill Country Safari and she just about dragged zebras, donkeys, and ostriches inside the car.
This is Amie all dressed in her double digit outfit and ready for her trip.
This is Amie all dressed in her double digit outfit and ready for her trip.

We have moved past the point where we really care what people think about the way we choose to live. We don’t live in a McMansion in the Woodlands. I tried that and didn’t like it. You pay a lot of money to lose a lot of freedom. Don't get me started. Now we have a mobile home on five wooded acres. That lets us have pets that aren’t limited to dogs and cats. This is one of Amies favorites. His name is Cruz (Spanish for cross) and we have enjoyed watching the growth of both of them every time we get them together.

The most prominent feature of cruz is the dark cross on his back.
Amie is not the first one in the family who has a way with animals. Her sister Karlie (with mama donkey) can hand feed the rooster that likes to bite others. Karlie has much of the same influence on animals I think. However, she has become very busy with volleyball competition and other things teens have to do.
We are looking forward to having her visit sometime soon. Amie is in that sweet spot. She isn’t (apparently) very interested in boys and doesn’t yet know just how beautiful she is. In this picture Amie is still very much a single digit girl and Cruz is very much a baby. The other donkey is Cruz’s mom and she is a very large donkey.
Amie is not the first one in the family who has a way with animals. Her sister Karlie (with mama donkey) can hand feed the rooster that likes to bite others. Karlie has much of the same influence on animals I think. However, she has become very busy with volleyball competition and other things teens have to do.
We are looking forward to having her visit sometime soon. Amie is in that sweet spot. She isn’t (apparently) very interested in boys and doesn’t yet know just how beautiful she is. In this picture Amie is still very much a single digit girl and Cruz is very much a baby. The other donkey is Cruz’s mom and she is a very large donkey.

I suppose it’s easier to see the growth of the young donkey than that of Amie. I can promise you that they both are growing like bad weeds. The donkey is not full grown but has assumed the role of Alpha Male from the much older miniature. He is also the protector of the oppressed. The llama was acting skittish around our two grandsons from Galveston and cruz inserted himself between them.

This donkey is Cruz’s father. His name is Eeyore and he is a short stubby jack who was introduced to two tall beautiful jennies. Cruz is one of the results. He looks so much like his dad but I think he is going to be tall like his mom.
Eeyore sent himself into exile because he chewed up the white gelding. He found his way back onto the property not long ago (there is a story there) and Cruz was adament he should leave the gelding alone. Eeyore listened. I tell you this so you will know that Cruz feels he is the Alpha Jack and is willing to fight those who might disagree. He is not afraid without good cause.
When Amie visits he throws himself into contortions trying to wrap himself around the little finger of this 11 year girl. His position is tenuous because every animal on the place is trying to wrap themselves around this same finger.
Eeyore sent himself into exile because he chewed up the white gelding. He found his way back onto the property not long ago (there is a story there) and Cruz was adament he should leave the gelding alone. Eeyore listened. I tell you this so you will know that Cruz feels he is the Alpha Jack and is willing to fight those who might disagree. He is not afraid without good cause.
When Amie visits he throws himself into contortions trying to wrap himself around the little finger of this 11 year girl. His position is tenuous because every animal on the place is trying to wrap themselves around this same finger.

These two critters are excited most of the time. When they are excited they want to bite your ankles. They sometimes still get to me when I am not looking but I delight in getting to them first. I tolerate them because they are half of our security force and very good (and loud) when raccoons visit.
Other than me very few find them to be fun. Chacho the warrior dog delighted in chasing them and then there was Amie. During an earlier time when she was visiting we warned her to watch out for the geese. We told her that they would chase her is she ran. She went outside and the geese began to clamor very shortly. When we looked outside she was running around chasing them with her hands raised. I almost killed myself laughing.
Other than me very few find them to be fun. Chacho the warrior dog delighted in chasing them and then there was Amie. During an earlier time when she was visiting we warned her to watch out for the geese. We told her that they would chase her is she ran. She went outside and the geese began to clamor very shortly. When we looked outside she was running around chasing them with her hands raised. I almost killed myself laughing.

The Llama is not wrapped around Amie’s finger but he would like to be. I have not seen him come to anyone other than Sally or I. He probably does (for food) but I have not seen it. He comes to Amie. He would have gone to the other side of the pasture if it were anyone but one of us three.

We did not know that we could get the parakeets to do the finger sitting thing. Amie showed us. We inherited them and the person we got them from didn’t know either.
She was also clicker training the dog who is very hardheaded with me. As usual he wanted to please her.
She was also clicker training the dog who is very hardheaded with me. As usual he wanted to please her.

Amie has been helping us with our parrots. She is just as good with them as we are. She feeds the donkeys and the birds in the morning which is normally my job. That gives me plenty of time to just laugh.

Strangely enough she is also at home with a crochet needle and a handful of yarn. I’m afraid the bell is tolling. She will learn all the girl skills and pretty soon she will pass through this special stage. She was told twice this weekend that she was beautiful. Once by the cashier at Kroger who completely lost track of what he was doing when she came through the line. He did not use words but his blunders gave him away. Another time by a six year old girl who just stared and said so. I’m afraid her days as my playmate are numbered.
She is following in her sisters footsteps and becoming very good at Volleyball. She thinks there is a full ride scholorship in her future and I think she could very well be right. It is even possible that we could see her in the olympics. She thinks so and I am smart enough to never doubt her.
She is following in her sisters footsteps and becoming very good at Volleyball. She thinks there is a full ride scholorship in her future and I think she could very well be right. It is even possible that we could see her in the olympics. She thinks so and I am smart enough to never doubt her.

Please note what she did with the yarn. She didn’t make a volleyball. Veterinary school anyone.