In August of 2012 I was minding my own business while out and about. For some reason I was on highway FM1488 heading west to Magnolia. Magnolia is a small town (or used to be) just north of the Woodlands in Montgomery County,Texas.
Out of nowhere this thing popped into view. It was setting all by itself in a vacant lot behind chain link and a locked gate. There were no discernible signs of activity that I could see. I didn’t know what to make of it so I did what I always seem to do. I snapped a picture. I used to take a lot of pictures that wound up as stories on someone elses blog. You can follow this one and the various comments:
Sally got a comment from a friend last week about a restaurant sitting behind a treehouse and an art car (truck) at about the same place. Too close to be coincidence?
Out of nowhere this thing popped into view. It was setting all by itself in a vacant lot behind chain link and a locked gate. There were no discernible signs of activity that I could see. I didn’t know what to make of it so I did what I always seem to do. I snapped a picture. I used to take a lot of pictures that wound up as stories on someone elses blog. You can follow this one and the various comments:
Sally got a comment from a friend last week about a restaurant sitting behind a treehouse and an art car (truck) at about the same place. Too close to be coincidence?

We followed through on the tip and the biggest difference that I saw right away was the open gate and cars in the lot. The truck got my attention. It, seemingly was unchanged.
These things were still doing yeoman duty when I was in the service and they all were about my age or older. A recent article about one survivor is here: http://www.curbsideclassic.com/blog/cc-outtake-hillbilly-hilton/
These things were still doing yeoman duty when I was in the service and they all were about my age or older. A recent article about one survivor is here: http://www.curbsideclassic.com/blog/cc-outtake-hillbilly-hilton/

I can’t tell you if the tree house existed when we previously drove by. It probably did but sometimes focus will make you lose things that are otherwise obvious. I was focused on the truck.
I am sure that if the truck wasn't there we would have seen the treehouse. I know it was there the second time we drove by. That was some months later.
I am sure that if the truck wasn't there we would have seen the treehouse. I know it was there the second time we drove by. That was some months later.

Another thing we noticed once inside the gate that sort of sets this place apart is this. It has a shaded brick walkway. Pleasant in winter (such as we have) and I expect it to be very welcome in summer.
Sometimes I think people just don't appreciate the work and thought that goes into making things that are out of the ordinary. This probably will not outlast a concrete walkway but it has my vote.

These turkeys were beautiful.
Pictures cannot do justice to the walkway or the turkeys. They are big beautiful birds that I would think should be illegal to eat. I guess I should be happy I don't have to kill my meat.

That brick walkway leads to this door.
I normally go places where I enjoy the food and the people. I am told that city folks call that ambiance. If so, I enjoyed the ambiance here.
You had better like your ambiance early because breakfast is over at 10:30 and they close at 2:00.

We were promised that some turtles would be in evidence later in the year.

To get there from I-45, turn west on FM 1488. Magnolia has always seemed strange to me as there seem to be two actual settlements.
The first one is centered around Honea Egypt and a couple other busy streets. You aren't there yet. Go through that area and you are in the country again.
You will run across this little place before you get to the second settlement. It's right past another chain link yard with batches of strange vehicles.
If those directions aren’t good enough, just click the link below for directions even city folks will understand. http://treehousecafe.biz/PhotoGallery.aspx
The first one is centered around Honea Egypt and a couple other busy streets. You aren't there yet. Go through that area and you are in the country again.
You will run across this little place before you get to the second settlement. It's right past another chain link yard with batches of strange vehicles.
If those directions aren’t good enough, just click the link below for directions even city folks will understand. http://treehousecafe.biz/PhotoGallery.aspx

We met the lady that runs the place and she told us some about the history of the truck. Turns out it was in the Art Car parade not long ago. I was in a couple of them with students and projects but nothing nearly as neat as this truck. You can search for Hillbilly Hilton and probably see other pictures of that parade appearance. They seem to be the center of attention. If you live near by and have not been to the art car parade or the restaurant with the truck and tree house, I recommend both.